Home ยป Why The FANG’s Will Lead Stocks Higher In 2018 – Prediction 8

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Why The FANG’s Will Lead Stocks Higher In 2018 – Prediction 8

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Prediction #8 – The FANG’s Will Lead Stocks Higher In 2018

Facebook ($FB), Amazon ($AMZN), Netflix ($NFLX), and Alphabet ($GOOGL) have had standout 2017, and have been the leaders in the 2017 stock market advance. That strength can continue into 2018 as earnings and valuationย continue to support the rise of those companies stock prices. That leads us to prediction number 8 for 2018, The FANG’s Will Lead Stocks Higher In 2018

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AMZN Chart

AMZN data by YCharts

Valuationsย areย the primary reason why the “#FANG’s” can continue to perform well in 2018. Valuations for stock as Alpahebet and Facebook are trading at multiple in the low 20’s based on 2019 estimates. Netflix is expected to grow at nearly 42 percent and based on earnings estimates for 2019 of $3.90 the stock trades at about 47 times estimates.

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Fundamental Chart data by YCharts

Even Amazon, focusing on revenue, will be trading at roughly two times 2019 revenue estimates, for a company that is expected to grow revenue by nearly 17 percent to $275 billion.

Even though many of these companies have had strong 2017, they can continue to perform well in 2018. Mostlyย becauseย they have the earnings and revenue growth to help the support the rising valuations.

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The purpose of the 10 predictions is for fun and to think about the year to come. It helps to organize thoughts and think about potential themes and trends that could develop.ย See our 10 predictions for 2017 and judge for yourself how we did.ย 

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Photo Credit Via Flickr


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ยฉ 2017 Mott Capital Management, LLC.ย  Use, publication or reproduction in any media prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder.

Tags: #Fang #predictions2018 #facebook #amazon #netflix #alphabet #google


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