It just got much easier to invest in the Mott Capital Thematic Growth strategy. The portfolio is available to invest in the Interactive Advisors platform.
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Disclosure: You may invest in a portfolio Mott Capital Management provides trading data for on the Interactive Advisors platform. Pursuant to a licensing agreement, Mott Capital Management provides the data enabling Interactive Advisors to manage the portfolio, subject to its own trading rules and client-specified investment restrictions. Only investors matching a specific risk profile (as determined by Interactive Advisors) may invest in this portfolio. Persons interested in investing in this portfolio should contact Interactive Advisors directly ( and review Interactive Advisors’ Informational Brochure – Part 2A of Form ADV ( Mott Capital Management does not manage the accounts of investors in this portfolio and is not hereby soliciting business for Interactive Advisors. Mott Capital Management does not receive compensation for referrals, but does receive a portion of the management fee charged for investments in the portfolio.  Â