Home ยป 7 Monster Earnings Predictions for The Week of July 22

7 Monster Earnings Predictions for The Week of July 22
Here are seven monster earnings predictions for the week of July 22, including SNAP, BA, TSLA, FB, AMZN, GOOGL, INTC

7 Monster Earnings Predictions for The Week of July 22

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Earnings Predictions for the week of July 22 – Stock mentions: SNAP, BA, TSLA, FB, AMZN, GOOGL, INTC

Michael Kramer and the clients of Mott Capital own TSLA and GOOGL

It is going to be a busy week for earnings, with companies like Facebook, Tesla, Alphabet, Amazon, and more all reporting results. So I’m going to give you predictions using a technical take only on the stocks. Usually, I do options and fundamental analysis too, but there are just too many companies this week to that.ย  I am going to present in order of when they are reporting.

And no, I am no Nostradamus

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7 Monster Earnings Predictions

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Snap is first up, and the stock hasn’t been acting particular well heading into these, usually not a good sign. The chart doesn’t look particularly strong either. SNAP has fallen below an uptrend and failed at resistance at $16. The RSI is also starting to know trend lower, suggesting momentum has turned from bullish to bearish. I think there is a good chance the stock is trading around $13.20 follow results.


Boeing (BA)

Boeing seems it can’t do any wrong. No matter what the negative headline the stock goes up. It sticks to the long-term uptrend like glue and has once again cleared resistance around $370. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the stock trading around $400 or higher following the results.

boeing, ba

Facebook (FB)

Facebook has a history of crushing earnings estimates, and I’m sure this quarter will be no different. I think the stock trades back to its all-time highs around $219.

facebook, fb

Tesla (TSLA)

TSLA I have been saying is going higher since $195, and I still think it’s going higher, but this time to $300.

Tesla, tsla

Amazon (AMZN)

Here is a different view of AMZN I haven’t shared before and because of it, I think the stock trades down to around $1810 after the company disappoints with weaker than expected revenue.

amazon, amzn

Alphabet (GOOGL)

Alphabet learns from its first quarter mistakes and puts up a better quarter with better commentary. The stock continues to trend higher and continues to work towards filling the gap at $1,300.

alpahbet, googl earnings predictions

Intel (INTC)

Intel has also been trending higher, and I think the stock continues to move higher towards $53.

Intel, intc earnings predictions

Let’s see how many of these predictions I actually get right!? ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great Sunday!


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