The Nasdaq advanced today after finding a bottom on Friday morning. It was technology’s (XLK) turn to lead the way, followed by consumer discretionaries (XLY) and Energy (XLE). Biotech (IBB) lagged today falling about 75 bps.
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Turning our attention to the Dollar, we find that it stuckย in a lower trend, but let me overlay the Dollar chart with the 10-2 chart, we can let that be our guide.
Similiar? Kind of? Will the Dollar see a sharp spike higher? We will need to continue to watch that. But perhaps the 10-2 spread is a window into the future of the Dollar. That would certainly be bearish for many materials (XLB) and commodities.
S&P 500 – 50 Day Moving Average
Finally, the S&P 500 is sitting right on its 50 Day Moving Average? Is time for the index to jump higher? The last couple of times the index advanced after it touched the 50-day.
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