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Stocks Power Higher, Lead by Netflix, Disney, Facebook - The Daily Rundown

Stocks Power Higher, Led by Netflix, Disney, Facebook – The Daily Rundown

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Stocks Power Higher, Led by Netflix, Disney, Facebook – The Daily Rundown

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S&P 500

The S&P 500 continued to surge rising by nearly 40 basis points to 2,850. Stock’s look strong here, and I can’t see much standing in the way of its continue rise to 2,900 and probably beyond.



Disney reports results tomorrow, and the earnings are expected to rise by more than 23 percent to $1.95 per share, while revenue is expected to grow by nearly 8 percent to $15.34 billion. But I think more critical may what the technical chart is saying. When I look at the chart, I see a big breakout, and it would suggest to me the market for the first time is beginning to look past the problems of ESPN and subscriber losses plaguing shares since August of 2015.


Now three full years later the market is looking at Disney as a potential stream media powerhouse, that no longer needs advertising or cable provider to push out its content. Now investors realize the stock only trades at 15 times 2019 earnings estimates, multiple times cheaper than Netflix and Amazon. Ifย an investorย likes Netflix as a stock than I can’t see how they do not like Disney. True, Disney has a lot of other pieces to its pie, so it will keep the stock grounded to some extent. But could the market re-rate Disney to be a stock that trades at 25 times earnings? Maybe someday. The stockย would be $191.


Facebook broke above resistance at $185, and now upside looks like $195. Not sure what to make of it.ย  Analysts have grown bearish on Facebook, now expecting earnings in the third quarter to declineย by more than 3 percent in the third quarter, and growth of just 19 percent for the year.ย  I’m notย entirely sure the stock is finished shaking out from the last round of results.



Netflix got going again too, and could be set to climb to about $357, and then maybe on to $373.



Micron got close to breaking the uptrend but held.



$Baba is looking pretty bad right here, and a drop to $165 could be on the way.


The dollar is nearing a potential break out, and that could be more bad news for investors looking for inflation, pressuring commodity prices lower.


By the way, I think the market has decided pretty clearly who is winning the trade war! What do you think?

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Member Services

Ok, so now I am starting to actively self-promote myself, but then again I gotta eat too, so please check out my memberโ€™s area. I price it to be a cheap service because Iโ€™m trying to honestly make some money but also help investors looking to learn. Members can post questions, and I usually get back to them in less than 12 hours through email and also post answers in videos showing you how I do the work.

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Here are some of the better videoโ€™s this year.

Why Apple May Rise By 50%

Facebookโ€™s Growth Issue

Netflix Is Not Broken, Plus S&P May Rise To 3,000 Sooner Than You Think

S&P 500 Break Out Nears

Getting Long Apple

Why It Is Time To Dump Starbucks, Plus A Look At ACAD

Good Luck This week.


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Mott Capital Management, LLCย is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein.ย Upon request, the advisor will provide a list of all recommendations made during the past twelve months. Past performance is not indicative of future.ย 

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