Reading The Markets: Previewing The Week of 5.15.17

A visual run-down of the week ahead.

Charts To Watch:

S&P 500 (SPX)

^SPX data by YCharts


IBB data by YCharts

 10-Year Treasury Rate

^TNX data by YCharts

10-2 Spread

10-2 Year Treasury Yield Spread data by YCharts

Companies Reporting:

Home Depot

HD EPS Estimates for Current Quarter data by YCharts


GPS EPS Estimates for Current Quarter data by YCharts

 TJ Maxx

TJX EPS Estimates for Current Quarter data by YCharts

Cisco (CSCO)

CSCO EPS Estimates for Current Quarter data by YCharts

Saleforce (CRM)

CRM EPS Estimates for Current Quarter data by YCharts

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The Day Retail Died In One Chart

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